Our shared home

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for our care of and concern for the world

The Thought

(Matthew 6:1-6,16-18)

Millions of people are displaced because of the climate crisis.  The UN Refuge Agency says that “As extreme weather and environmental conditions worsen with global heating, they are contributing to multiple and overlapping crises, threatening human rights, increasing poverty and loss of livelihoods, straining peaceful relations between communities and, ultimately, creating conditions for further forced displacement.”

Governments around the world are called to make bold decisions and vast changes.  They can work across borders and boundaries, exchanging knowledge, both new and traditional, so that in practical ways we can build hope for the future.  However, each of us can play our part in caring for the world.  We can make small changes to the way we live to make a collective difference, reminding us that we are all interconnected.  We share the earth’s resources, climate and its challenges.

Some of these ways can be quite effortless, whilst others will demand changing our habits.  Our efforts may not receive a trumpet fanfare or slaps on the back from an admiring crowd, but we will be playing our part in doing what needs to be done, living responsibly, and valuing and caring for God’s creation, who knows and sees all that is done.

The Prayer

Invitation to Prayer: Dear friends, as we offer our prayers for the world, let us pray especially that for all affected by Climate Crisis, and for the part that each of us can play.

Intentions for Prayer

We pray for the Church that we may offer an authentic voice to the Climate challenges being addressed.

We pray for governments throughout the world, and for the courage and ability to make bold decisions to work together to care for the environment.

We pray for all who are displaced from their homes by extreme weather and environmental conditions.

We pray for our own community, that we may play our part in caring for the world.

We pray for all involved with heavy industry, for responsible actions and ways of working.

We pray for all who challenge us to live more responsible and sustainable lives, for scientists and environmentalists.

The Bible Readings

The Bible readings for today’s celebration can be found here:

The Programme

For our full programme for Refugee Week, visit https://southcardiffministryarea.co.uk/refugee-week-2024/

Mass is celebrated today (Wednesday 19th June) at St Paul’s Church at 10am and St Mary’s Church at 11am.

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