What’s your treasure?

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for all who arrive in our city and communities seeking sanctuary and safety

The Thought

(Matthew 6:19-23)

When far right groups descended on a Welsh town in response to the arrival of refugees, concerned residents met them head on – not with anger, chanting or marches but by baking and sharing Welsh cakes with anyone they met.  They dismantled hatred with hospitality, and offered a gesture of welcome and kindness through a mass community ‘Bake-off.’

Each community will have different strengths and needs, its own characteristics and things which it values.  What lies at the heart of our own community? What treasure does it have? What have we got to share with others? Faced with outside pressures, perhaps the people of Llantwit Major rediscovered good old-fashioned, Welsh hospitality and friendship which could so easily have been undermined.

‘Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven,’ says the Lord.  Sometimes, we can be distracted by what’s really important by chasing after so many other things which seem to promise so much but fail to deliver.  As we celebrate Refugee Week, we pray that all who have made the difficult and often dangerous journey to find safety, may also find understanding, compassion and welcome so that, together, our communities may value what’s really important and, in doing so, receive a glimpse of Heaven.

The Prayer

Invitation to Prayer: Dear friends, as we seek refuge in God, let us pray for all who arrive in our city and communities seeking sanctuary and safety, and for all our needs and concerns.


We pray for the Church that we may use our resources to welcome those who seek refuge and safety.

We pray for those who advocate for asylum seekers and refugees, for organisations which support those seeking sanctuary, for the Welsh Refugee Council, Oasis, the Trinity Centre, and Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group.

We pray for ‘Croeso Butetown’ and the Community Sponsorship Scheme, and for success in finding a house for a Refugee family in Butetown.

We pray for Cardiff Council in its work to welcome and support Refugees, for all involved in Refugee Week celebrations.

We pray that each community will be welcoming and understanding of the plight of those who arrive with the memory of trauma and war, far from home, and fa

We pray for those who have died during their journey to seek safety, for families divided by war, for our own departed loved ones, (the recently departed … and those whose anniversaries of death occur today…)

The Bible Readings

The Bible readings for today’s celebration can be found here:

The Programme

For our full programme for Refugee Week, visit https://southcardiffministryarea.co.uk/refugee-week-2024/

Mass is celebrated today (Friday 21st June) at St Mary’s Church at 10am

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