Connect (28 June 2024)

Connecting you with the churches of South Cardiff Ministry Area in Butetown, Grangetown and Splott. In this post, we look back at Refugee Week, and share news of events and celebrations to come!

  1. What a Week!
  2. Citizens Assembly
  3. Summer Praise & Strawberry Tea
  4. OMG!
  5. Glastonbury Pilgrimage
  6. Other News
  7. Worship for the Week Ahead
  8. United in Prayer
  9. Events and Celebrations
  10. Funerals
  11. Keep in touch

What a Week!

Once again, Refugee Week was an amazing experience and we’re so grateful to everyone who participated. We’ve gathered everything together in one neat page on our website. So why not check it out? It’s full of videos, blog posts, pictures and articles from the week.

Citizens Assembly

Last week, Citizens Cardiff held an Accountability Assembly at the Church of the Resurrection in Ely gaining commitment from prospective MPs. Check out what happened on their social media posts. A group from Wales is travelling to a similar Assembly in Westminster on Monday.

Every day’s a gift

This week, we had a catch up with the core team of the Youth Endowment Fund working across Butetown and Grangetown. Fr Dean reflects on the inspiration and the energy.

Summer Praise & Strawberry Tea

Come and sing your favourite hymns (let us know before the day who you would like to sing!) and enjoy a Strawberry Tea afterwards on Sunday 7 July at 4pm at Ss Dyfrig and Samson.


Our event for young people is back on 14 July at St Saviour’s Church. This month, it will have a Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage vibe! Join us for worship at 5pm followed by chippy delights!

Glastonbury Pilgrimage

The Glastonbury Pilgrimage is 100 years old! If you’d like a seat on the coach leaving from Cardiff then either add your name to the list in church or get in touch with us. A £10 payment is required. The bus leaves St Mary’s Church at 8.45am, and leaves Glastonbury approximately 4 pm. You can find out more about the pilgrimage here:

Other News

CHRISTIAN AID: Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christian Aid Week Appeal. The totals received so far: St Saviour’s Coffee Morning raised £160 and St Mary’s raised £486.30 plus £116.25 reclaimed on Gift Aid.

CHANGES THIS MONTH: There is no Holy Hour this month as Fr Dean is away at a Church in Wales meeting. The worship for Bella Vista Nursing Home will also be rescheduled.

ST PAUL’S FETE: 20th July at 12 noon

Worship for the Week Ahead

Mass is celebrated each day across our churches. Heres our pattern of prayer for the week beginning Sunday 5 May

Sunday 30 June
8.00am: Said Mass at St Paul's
9.15am: Sung Mass at Ss Dyfrig & Samson
9.30am: Sung Mass at St Saviour’s
10.30am: Sung Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Solemn Mass at St Mary's

Monday 1 July
6.00pm Mass at St Mary's
7.00pm: Mass at Ss Dyfrig & Samson

Tuesday 2 July
10.00am: Mass at St Saviour's
7.00pm: Mass at St Mary’s

Wednesday 3 July
10.00am: Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Thursday 4 July
9.30am: Mass at Ss Dyfrig & St Samson
5.45pm: Mass at St Saviour's

Friday 5 July
10.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 6 July
11.00am: Morning Prayer & Rosary at St Mary's
11.30am Mass at St Mary's

You can discover more about our regular pattern of worship through the week at

United in Prayer

WE PRAY FOR all involved in the General Election, for candidates, parties and voters, and for the Citizens UK Assembly in Westminster on Monday

WE PRAY FOR the young people of our churches, their families, and all who work with them and for preparations for the Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage.

WE PRAY FOR our schools during the last few busy weeks of the Summer Term

For more prayer resources, check out our ‘Day by Day’ pages which includes prayers for various times and occasions.

Events and Celebrations
Walsingham Pilgrimage:
22 – 25 July
Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage:
5- 9, August



Friday 5 July at 12 noon (Jean Harding)

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

You can find out more about the funeral service on our ‘Funerals’ page which also includes prayers for the bereaved and the departed.

Keep in touch

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