Shaped by the love of God

Friday 25 May, 2023 | Seventh Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 22:30,23:6-11; Psalm  15(16):1-2,5,7-11; John 17:20-26 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here)

In Dylan Thomas’s play for voices, Under Milk Wood, we are given a glimpse into the lives of the residents of Llareggub, beginning when it is dark as the town is sleeping.  A whole day passes by as we linger in the lives of those colourful characters.  Towards the end of the day, as the town begins to hush, we listen in on the sunset prayer of the Rev Eli Jenkins as he prays for those who live under Milk Wood. It is a prayer filled with love for the people he serves, who” are not wholly bad or good.”  He prays, “And Thou I know wilt be the first to see our best side, not our worst.”

In the gospel reading today, we listen in to the prayer of Jesus which he makes in the darkness of Gethsemane.  We glimpse something of the prayer which lies in his heart, as he prays for his disciples and all those who will believe through him.  It is a prayer of love and concern, as he prays that they may be one.  In that prayer, Jesus is not just praying for those who have followed him to the garden, and who have been chosen for a special role in his ministry.  He is praying for us, too – even before we were born.

The Easter season has moved on, and we are now in that special time which occurs between the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost.  During this time, the Apostles, Mary and the others gathered together in the upper room to wait for the Promise from on High, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  They were united in prayer and purpose, obeying the command of Jesus, waiting for his promise to be fulfilled. The Church is a gathered community, united in prayer and purpose.  That is what Jesus prayed for on the night before he died.  It is a prayer that we can take to heart as we seek closer unity for the church.  United in prayer and purpose, may we be shaped by the love of God in Christ.


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Mass today (Thursday 25 May, 2023) is celebrated at St Dyfrig and Samson, Grangetown at 9.30am, Mary’s Church, Butetown at 10am, and St Saviour’s Church, Splott at 5.45pm | If you would like to send a prayer request then click on the ‘REQUEST PRAYER’ Button. You can discover more about Worship across the Ministry Area on our Worship page

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