Connect (7 June 2024)

Connecting you with the churches of South Cardiff Ministry Area in Butetown, Grangetown and Splott. (If you’d like to receive posts in your inbox then add your email address at the bottom of the page!)

  1. Refugee Week 2024
  2. Ice Cream Sunday
  3. St Paul’s School Mass
  4. Corpus Christi
  5. General Election
  6. The Great Get Together Barbecue
  7. A look back at 2023
  8. Mass of the Sick
  9. Mass on Thursday
  10. Summer Praise & Strawberry Tea
  11. St Paul’s Coffee Morning
  12. Glastonbury Pilgrimage
  13. Worship for the Week Ahead
  14. United in Prayer
  15. Events and Celebrations
  16. Funerals
  17. Keep in touch

Refugee Week 2024

We’re getting closer to our celebration of Refugee Week, the world’s largest arts and culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

Discover more about our celebrations which also include Windrush Day and the “The Great Get Together.” This year’s theme is “Our Home” and we’ll begin our celebrations on Sunday 16 June.

If you’d like to volunteer during the week, then please get in touch.

Ice Cream Sunday

Our celebrations for Refugee Week begin on Sunday 16 June with Ice Cream Sunday! After Mass at St Mary’s we make our way into the gardens at 12 noon. All welcome.

St Paul’s School Mass

During Refugee Week on Wednesday 19 June at 10am the School Mass will be for the whole school community of St Paul’s. All are welcome to join us! There’s also the usual 11 am School Mass at St Mary’s which also celebrates Refugee Week!

Corpus Christi

Watch our video from the Corpus Christi celebrations in St Theodore’s Church, Port Talbot last Sunday evening

General Election

Cardiff Citizens General Election Accountability Assembly will take place on 20th June 5pm-6:15pm at Church od Resurrection in Ely.

Food will be served for children and adults from 4:30pm. Transport costs from other parts of the city can be covered.

Please register yourself and invite others to join here

The Great Get Together Barbecue

The Great Get Together Barbecue on Sunday 23 June at 12 noon brings our Refugee Week celebrations to a close

A look back at 2023

Our Annual Vestry Meeting is scheduled for Monday June 24 at 7.30 pm at Ss Dyfrig and Samson. This is a time to accept the Annual Report and Financial Report, and to plan for the year ahead with the election of our Ministry Area Council and Churchwardens. Election forms are available in each of the churches from Sunday. You can read the report below. The Financial Accounts will be available soon.

Mass of the Sick

We celebrate the Mass of the Sick with Laying on of Hands and anointing with Holy Oil at St Saviour’s Church on Tuesday 11th June at 10am

Mass on Thursday

Please note that, from this week, the Thursday Mass at St Mary’s at 10am has been discontinued (although there will be a 1230am Mass on Thursday during Regugee Week). The 930am at St Dyfrig and St Samson, and the 5.45pm Mass at St Saviour’s continues

Summer Praise & Strawberry Tea

Come and sing your favourite hymns (let us know before he day who you would like to sing!) and enjoy a Strawberry Tea afterwards on Sunday 11 July at 4pm at Ss Dyfrig and Samson.

St Paul’s Coffee Morning

The next Coffee morning will be on Saturday June 22 in aid of St Paul’s Church funds

Glastonbury Pilgrimage

The Glastonbury Pilgrimage is 100 years old! If you’d like a seat on the coach leaving from Cardiff then either add your name to the list in church or get in touch with us. A £10 payment is required. You can find out more about the pilgrimage here:

Worship for the Week Ahead

Mass is celebrated each day across our churches. Heres our pattern of prayer for the week beginning Sunday 5 May

Sunday 9 June
8.00am: Said Mass at St Paul's
9.15am: Sung Mass at Ss Dyfrig & Samson
9.30am: Sung Mass at St Saviour’s
10.30am: Sung Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Solemn Mass at St Mary's

Monday 10 June
6.00pm Mass at St Mary's
7.00pm: Mass at Ss Dyfrig & Samson

Tuesday 11 June
10.00am: Mass of the Sick at St Saviour's
7.00pm: Mass at St Mary’s

Wednesday 12 June
10.00am: Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Thursday 13 June
9.30am: Mass at Ss Dyfrig & St Samson
5.45pm: Mass at St Saviour's

Friday 14 June
10.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 15 June
11.00am: Morning Prayer & Rosary at St Mary's
11.30am Mass at St Mary's

You can discover more about our regular pattern of worship through the week at

United in Prayer

We pray for our plans for Refugee Week, Windrush Day and the Great Get Together

We pray for all involved in the General Election campaigns, and for Citizen Cymru’s Accountability Assembly.

We pray for the Deanery of Cardiff as it meets this week to discuss the Common Share, and for all who have special concern for finances and giving in our churches.

For more prayer resources, check out our ‘Day by Day’ pages which includes prayers for various times and occasions.

Events and Celebrations
Walsingham Pilgrimage:
22 – 25 July
Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage:
5- 9, August



Friday 5 July at 12 noon (Jean Harding)


Friday 28th June 10.30 am (John Ryan) followed by Committal at Thornhill at 12.30pm. (John’s body will be received into Church on the Thursday 27th at 3.30pm)

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

You can find out more about the funeral service on our ‘Funerals’ page which also includes prayers for the bereaved and the departed.

Keep in touch

To receive alerts, news and updates in your inbox, sign up here:

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