Beyond the mountain

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for all who work to support and welcome Refugees and Asylum seekers The Thought (Matthew 6:24-34) In a memoir called, ‘In the Wars,’ Dr Waheed Arian, tells the story of his childhood caught up in the war in Afghanistan, finallyContinue reading “Beyond the mountain”

What’s your treasure?

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for all who arrive in our city and communities seeking sanctuary and safety The Thought (Matthew 6:19-23) When far right groups descended on a Welsh town in response to the arrival of refugees, concerned residents met them head on –Continue reading “What’s your treasure?”

What would you build?

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for for good relationships between people of different faiths The Thought (Matthew 6:7-15) On 17 July 1757, Benjamin Franklin wrote to his wife after narrowly avoiding a shipwreck.  “Were I a Roman Catholic, perhaps I should on this occasion vowContinue reading “What would you build?”

Our shared home

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for our care of and concern for the world The Thought (Matthew 6:1-6,16-18) Millions of people are displaced because of the climate crisis.  The UN Refuge Agency says that “As extreme weather and environmental conditions worsen with global heating, theyContinue reading “Our shared home”

No place to call home

Each day during Refugee Week, we offer Mass with prayer and reflection. Today, we pray for those who are homeless and all for whom ‘home’ is not a safe place to be. The Thought (Matthew 5:43-48) “Have no fear of perfection,” said the artist Salvador Dali, ‘you will never reach it.” Yet, it’s the strivingContinue reading “No place to call home”

The beauty that remains

Wednesday 31 May, 2023 | The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-18; Responsorial Psalm: Isaiah 12; Luke 1:39-56 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) Writing from her hiddenness in the attic of an Amsterdam house, Anne Frank wrote, “I don’t think of all the misery,Continue reading “The beauty that remains”

Shaped by the love of God

Saturday 27 May, 2023 | Seventh Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Psalm 10(11):4-5,7; John 21:20-25 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) In 2022, Penguin Publishers asked their readers to tell them about their favourite classic books, and they created a list of 100 must read classics featuringContinue reading “Shaped by the love of God”

Shaped by the love of God

Friday 25 May, 2023 | Seventh Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 22:30,23:6-11; Psalm  15(16):1-2,5,7-11; John 17:20-26 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) In Dylan Thomas’s play for voices, Under Milk Wood, we are given a glimpse into the lives of the residents of Llareggub, beginning when it isContinue reading “Shaped by the love of God”