The measure of love

Saturday 29 April, 2023 | St Catherine of Sienna |Readings: 1 John 1:5-2:2; Psalm 102(103):1-4,8-9,13-14,17-18; Matthew 11:25-30 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) In many areas of work, employees are used to undertaking a Performance Management Review to evaluate the productivity of their work.  Even if this doesn’tContinue reading “The measure of love”

Praying for preachers

Friday 28 April, 2023 | Friday of the Third Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 9:1-20; Psalm 116(117); John 6:52-59 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) In 1857, Anthony Trollope wrote in Barchester Chronicles, “There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilized and freeContinue reading “Praying for preachers”

St Mark the Evangelist

Tuesday 25 April, 2023 | St Mark the Evangelist |Readings: 1 Peter 5:5-14; Psalm 88(89):2-3,6-7,16-17; Mark 16:15-20 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) There are many sayings ascribed to St Francis, often with little evidence that he ever said them.  One such saying is his alleged instruction toContinue reading “St Mark the Evangelist”

Q and A

Monday 24 April, 2023 | Monday of the Third Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 6:8-15; Psalm 118(119):23-24,26-27,29-30; John 6:22-29 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) Richard Dawkins, the British evolutionary biologist and author of the book, ‘The Selfish Gene ‘is a well-known and vocal atheist.  In 2006, he published The GodContinue reading “Q and A”

From Darkness to Light

Wednesday 19 April, 2023 | Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter |Readings: Acts 5:17-26; Psalm 33(34):2-9; John 3:16-21 (You can find these in full on the Universalis website – Click here) As he strove to build a more equal society, struggling against racism, Martin Luther King Jr, said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: onlyContinue reading “From Darkness to Light”