Connect (24 May 2024)

Connecting you with the churches of South Cardiff Ministry Area in Butetown, Grangetown and Splott. This week we launched our programme for Refugee Week and The Great Get Together. Read on.

  1. Refugee Week 2024
  2. Churches on the move
  3. Faithful Butetown
  4. Pentecost Sunday
  5. Bring and Share
  6. OMG! It’s Pentecost!
  7. Elected for service
  8. Glastonbury Pilgrimage
  9. Corpus Christi
  10. Welcome home
  11. Worship for the Week Ahead
  12. United in Prayer
  13. Events and Celebrations
  14. Funerals
  15. Keep in touch

Refugee Week 2024

This week, we launched our programme for Refugee Week. It’s the world’s largest arts and culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. During the week we also celebrate Windrush Day and the “The Great Get Together.” This year’s theme is “Our Home” and we’ll begin our celebrations on Sunday 16 June so make sure you put the week in your diary! Find out more here:

Churches on the move

Last Saturday, on the Eve of Pentecost, Churches Together took to the streets and walked from church to church beginning at St Paul’s Church and ending at Eglwys Dewi Sant. Check out our video highlights.

Faithful Butetown

This week, we welcomed an amazing group of school children from Pembrokeshire. During Refugee Week, we will welcome a further 240 children to participate in our Faithful Butetown Discovery Days. Check out what they have in store with this web resource for visiting schools.

Pentecost Sunday

We had great celebrations across the churches of the Ministry Area last week for the Feast of Pentecost. Check out something of the celebrations at St Saviour’s in this video!

Bring and Share

Fr Dean reviews a book by Martyn Snow, the Bishop of Leicester. “An Intercultural Church for a Multicultural World” is a book which explores the theme of gift exchange in a diverse and multicultural world and how we might think and act with greater cultural sensitivity

OMG! It’s Pentecost!

Take a look at our OMG! Pentecost celebrations with young people last Sunday. A time of worship followed by pizza with a number of young people signing up to the Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage in August!

Elected for service

Congratulations to Jane Henshaw, a member of St Saviours congregation and a local Councillor who, this week, was elected as Mayor of Cardiff for the next year.

Glastonbury Pilgrimage

The Glastonbury Pilgrimage is 100 years old! If you’d like a seat on the coach leaving from Cardiff then either add your name to the list in church or get in touch with us. A £10 payment is required. You can find out more about the pilgrimage here:

Corpus Christi

Like so many gifts regularly received we can take the Eucharist for granted, forget the great Mystery of Faith. And so we need some reminders, something to make us think. A feast will do just the job! Get ready for Corpus Christi Sunday on June 2

Welcome home

The housing crisis in Cardiff and across the UK means that many families are living in unsuitable accommodation. We’re giving a welcome gift to new families in housing need who will be living in our community of Butetown when Cargo House is reopened. You can discover more about it here, and how you can be involved!

Worship for the Week Ahead

Mass is celebrated each day across our churches. Heres our pattern of prayer for the week beginning Sunday 5 May

Sunday 26 May
8.00am: Said Mass at St Paul's
9.15am: Sung Mass at Ss Dyfrig & Samson
9.30am: Sung Mass at St Saviour’s
10.30am: Sung Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Solemn Mass at St Mary's

Monday 27 May
10am Mass at St Mary's (Bank Holiday Time)

Tuesday 28 May
10.00am: Mass at St Saviour's
7.00pm: Mass at St Mary’s

Wednesday 29 May
10.00am: Mass at St Paul's
11.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Thursday 30 May
9.30am: Mass at Ss Dyfrig & St Samson
10.00am: Mass at St Mary’s
5.45pm: Mass at St Saviour's

Friday 31 May
10.00am: Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 1 June
11.00am: Morning Prayer & Rosary at St Mary's
11.30am Mass at St Mary's

You can discover more about our regular pattern of worship through the week at

United in Prayer

We pray for our plans for Refugee Week, Windrush Day and the Great Get Together

We pray for our Faithful Butetown project and for the valuing of diversity and difference.

We pray for the young people of the churches of our Ministry Area and all who work with them.

For more prayer resources, check out our ‘Day by Day’ pages which includes prayers for various times and occasions.

Events and Celebrations
Corpus Christi (Port Talbot)
2 June
Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham on 8 June
Walsingham Pilgrimage:
22 – 25 July
Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage:
5- 9, August
Glastonbury Pilgrimage:
13 July



Friday 31 May at 1pm (Shirley Salah)

Wednesday 5 June at 1.30pm (Veronica Diana Melina Battle)

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

You can find out more about the funeral service on our ‘Funerals’ page which also includes prayers for the bereaved and the departed.

Keep in touch

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